Area Riservata

Newsletter Settimana 10/07/2023

La vera storia della creazione della donna

Once upon a time, many, many, many, ma many years ago, at the beginning of the initiation of the world, there was only Adamo.
He was passegging in the Garden of Eden. He felt (sentiva) himself very sol. Then GOD chies him: "Adamo, what's sbagliat, you look so down!"
and Adamo, piagnucolanding, diss to GOD that he had nessun to talk to. Moved by pietas, GOD promised him that he avrebb potut aver a companion, a WOMAN!
"This person," diss GOD, "procure food, cook for you, and when you take away your pantalons, she will laved them for you. She does not mai discuss your decisions; anz, she condivided semper and forever. Will take care of your children and never ask you to go, in the middle of the night, to see how they are. She does not contradict you ever and will always be the first to admit d’aver sbagliat. She will never have a maldetest and always give you love and passion”.
Adamo, rimast a boc apert, chies to GOD:
"How much cost a woman like that?"
"One arm and one leg"
"Um ... – diss Adamo - ... ascolt GOD, and what you give me for a costola?"
The rest is history.

stefano benatti

Piazza della Costituente 33 - 41037 Mirandola (MO)
